The beginning of a phenomenon of a period especially one considered favorable or we can also call it the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise. It is one of the most beautiful things present in the world. I feel it is the most beautiful thing on this earth. When we wake up at this time, we feel a strange pleasure naturally. People also call it the most silent time throughout the 24 hours. In today’s world, people are very far away from God gifted nature due to technology. An individual gets up at the time of dawn he/she just can sit alone offer prayers, perform yoga or just sit alone and enjoy the dawn.

    As it is beautifully quoted that the early birds catch the worms is supposed to mean that the early rises or early comers get the most benefits. If someone wakes up at the time of dawn and goes for a walk, they can avoid illnesses such as illnesses pressure, heart attacks, and thrombosis each of us whether young or old should make early morning walks as their daily routine. As it has been mentioned above earlier, we should wake up and practice yoga, and also another practice that we should perform to stay fit and fine is called tie chi. Even if you google it, you can get a handful of aerobic or yoga exercises. Dawn is mandatory for us if we need silence.

Why is silence so important?

    According to mother Terasa “See how nature, trees, flowers, grass grow in silence: see the stars, the sun, and the moon, how they move in silence. We need silence to touch souls. .”.

    It is also said that silence is a form of worship no doubt the human brain works 2 faster early in the morning and it is also believed that the human brain works faster by time of 4 AM to 8 Am. Toto get rid of stress, anxiety or depression, it is must get up early in the morning at the time of Dawn. When you wake up and start making waking up, morning walks, or performing yoga, your habit. You will feel the newer and fresher.

By: Adnan Liaquat 

The writer is a teacher at Ruzhn English Language Center Bugh Meri