1. Introduction

    Dr. Rohan Paul, an Indian physician and sports scientist, has made a comprehensive body of work on the health benefits of sport and physical activity. His contributions have paved the way for further studies on the link between sport and physical activity.

Dr. Paul was the first to successfully treat patients with anorexia due to over-exercising in weight training when he was a resident in India's Jodhpur. He also published his observations about how people who play sports exercise differently from sedentary people

He has been involved in various programs to increase public awareness about the importance of physical activity and sport in maintaining good health. He is currently associated with the Chennai Sports Development Trust (CSDT), which works extensively on the promotion of sports and physical fitness among children, adolescents, and adults.

The following is a list of publications by Rohan Paul:


2. Body Fat and Physical Activity


To understand how sport can benefit health, you first need to understand the basic concepts of the sport. There are three main categories of sport:

1. Competitive sports

2. Recreational sports

3. Fitness and recreation sports (also known as "sport" or "vibration")

Competitive sports include sports such as football, tennis, ice hockey, and rugby, which are played in large stadiums and arenas. In these games, teams of players try to score by kicking a ball into the opponent’s goal at a specific distance from the other team’s goal line. The competition between teams is very intense with scores taken in increments of one point after each successful kick or goal attempt (i.e., points won). The winning team receives an amount of money (known as a prize) for winning each game or series of games and for having the most points at the end of the game or series of games. For example, if an individual scores five goals in a soccer match, all five goals would be worth five points each and it would be a total score for that person called “5 × 5 = 10” underrating systems used by FIFA for official results. The same is true for any other type of sport that also uses scoring sheets to determine whether players have scored points; these sheets might be used by national governing bodies or individual clubs who compete against each other using their own scoring methods based on a total number of points gained at any one time during a match or series of matches (especially if they are competing with very different scorekeeping systems). Sports, where events are held over periods longer than one minute, may also use more holistic scoring systems such as those created by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), in which some events have a maximum point value while others do not require any human action whatsoever (such as “free throws”).

The second category includes recreational activities that people may engage in even when they do not feel like participating in competitive sports; such activities include walking or running, cycling or rowing, swimming, and snorkeling among others. These activities involve no physical activity during their duration but still entail some level of exertion through physical activity; this level may vary from low intensity walking to high intensity running depending on which method is used for assessment purposes. [4] This type is commonly referred to as exercise classes when people enroll themselves into these classes without any competitive aspect involved. [5] Free-living exercise can also be included under


3. Exercise and Fitness


    It is hypothesized that physical activity has positive effects on health and well-being due to its specific function in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis, and its impact on several other physiological systems.

The phenomenon of physical activity is not restricted to sports. In fact, the health benefits of sport and physical activity are well documented in many parts of the world.

However, it remains controversial whether exercise can improve health. A number of studies have shown that increased levels of physical activity can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. However, there is still a lack of knowledge on how exercise affects health in sedentary populations, including individuals with obesity. This study aims to understand how different types of exercise influence the risk factors for major diseases such as coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus. We hypothesize that high-intensity exercise (HIE), moderate-intensity exercise (MIE), and sedentary lower-intensity activity (SLIA) will decrease cardiovascular risk factors such as blood pressure and cholesterol levels compared with lower intensity activities like walking or cycling. We also hypothesize that HIE will have stronger effects on cardiovascular risk factors than MIE compared with SLIA, which is a salient issue in sedentary populations.


4. Health Risks of Sedentary Lifestyle


    Sport and physical activity is very important component of our lives. It allows one to enjoy life to the fullest by using the body in all ways possible. It also provides many health benefits. The most important and immediate health benefits that sport can provide include; – improved heart health

– reduced risk of some diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer (increased exercise tends to decrease these risks)

– improved insulin sensitivity, which reduces the risk of type II diabetes and obesity

– reduced risk of premature death from cancer

– decreased incidence of depression and anxiety among people who participate in sport

– increased enjoyment from sports activities due to better moods, reduced stress levels, better sleep patterns, and improved self-confidence.

The more you engage in physical activity, the more likely you are to maintain a healthy weight. So if you want a healthier lifestyle then it would be good for you to take up sports such as running or swimming regularly, but do not overdo it! Weight training is also a great way to lose weight without even exercising!


5. Health Benefits of Physical Activities


    The benefits of physical activity are well known. But is it beneficial to exercise?

Exercise is beneficial for both the heart and the brain. It produces positive effects on the heart, such as lowering blood pressure, improving blood circulation, and lowering cholesterol levels. It may also help to reduce the risk of a number of diseases including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

In addition, physical activity has a considerable impact on mental health. Regular physical activity has been consistently shown to reduce stress levels, improve mood, make you feel more energetic, decrease anxiety and worry and enhance concentration.

In fact, increased levels of physical activity are linked with reduced stress levels in people living at high altitudes in North America as well as other parts of the world. There's evidence that developing an exercise habit can improve self-esteem and may lead to self-acceptance if someone isn't already happy with their body shape or size or lack of muscle tone (which is often identified when someone is having weight problems).

Here is a list of health benefits that result from regular physical activity:

Strengthening muscles: A regular workout strengthens muscles which helps them contract more efficiently during normal daily living activities such as walking or running. A strengthening effect on muscles will help prevent injuries including muscle strains and sprains which can cause pain in your knees or ankles while doing everyday activities such as walking or running."

Lowering cholesterol: Reducing your cholesterol by exercising can lower it by up to 20 percent without lowering your blood pressure."

Lowering cardiovascular diseases: Regular exercise lowers your chances of developing cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks, strokes, and high blood pressure"

Reducing risks for diabetes: Regular physical activity reduces risks for diabetes by 25 percent"


6. Conclusion

    In the past, sports were only part of life and not a prominent activity in most people's lives. But now, they are becoming an important part of daily life. However, there is still a lot of confusion among the public regarding the health risks of the sport.

It is an interesting fact that sports have both positive and negative effects on health. A few studies have been conducted on the health effects of various forms of exercise, but it is usually difficult to isolate specific types of exercise or the type of exercise being performed by people.

A study titled “A meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies investigating risk factors for cardiovascular disease” has found that there is no clear evidence that regular physical activity (e.g., high-intensity/aerobic) lowers the risk for cardiovascular diseases (CVD).

Sport may be viewed as a "high-risk" leisure activity for CVD due to extremely high levels of intensive training and extensive use of weight-bearing equipment (i.e., running shoes). As such, it was suggested that coronary heart disease should be among the main risk factors for sports participants. Despite this evidence, however, some groups continue to recommend low-to-moderate intensity physical activities as low cardiovascular risk.

By: Muskan Shafiq 

The writer is a student at Zanth Academy Jusak