The word 'Terror' comes from the Latin word terror, which means "frighten or tremble".

And this ideology refers to the use of violence against random civilians or targets to intimidate or to create pervasive fear to achieve political goals.

Oxford dictionary defines it as the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians in the pursuit of political aims.

Terrorism is not new in society, but the modern concept of terrorism has emerged from 'French Revolution 1789'.Also known as the 'Reign of terror in France'.

And terrorism can be categorized into four types.

State-sponsored terrorism, Dissent terrorism, Religious terrorism, and Criminal terrorism.

And terrorism can take place for several and various reasons like Ethno-nationalism, discrimination, lack of socio-economic status, political grievance, and much more such as a large number of machinery weapons, rapid population growth, dissatisfaction of people with the countries system, lack of education, corruption, racism, economic inequality and plenty. But some big reasons are the Alienated intelligentsias and these are the brains who brainwash people.

And it will be very effective on people's lives as it causes a big fear in people's minds and this is their mission as the terrorists are the masters of mind control.

And terrorism will not cause big materialistic damage, but they will become successful in their mission as their mission is the fear in people's minds.

And they get success mostly because of media as media shows the terrorist attacks very excitedly as their trending news and terrify billions of people and shake political structures. 

And since 11 September 2001 every year terrorists have killed about 25,000 people globally, but unlike this, each year traffic accidents kill about 1.25 million people altogether, diabetes and high sugar level up to 3.5 million people annually and air pollution kills about 7 million people, but still we fear the terrorism more than these.

And if the terrorism is compared with Somme offensive, it is a punny matter. And the Paris attracts of November 2015 only killed 130 people. The Brussels bombing of March 2016 only killed 32 people, and the Manchester Arena bombing in May 2017 only killed 22 people. 

And a few terrorist attacks such as the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie in 1988 killed hundreds. The 9/11 attacks set a new record, killing almost 3,000 people.

And all the people killed and wounded in Europe by terrorist attacks will still be far short of the casualties in any number of obscure First World War battles. 

But still, they cause a big storm of disturbance all over the world. 

And the terrorists are like a fly that is too weak to move a single teacup, but they find a bull and buzz in its ear, and the bull destroys the china shop, and the fly will be successful in its mission. 

So what should we do to stop these things, and not let this fear control our lives? 

There is a big solution which has three frots. 

First, the governments must focus on the clandestine actions and must find out who is financing and supporting them. 

And the second is, the media should avoid exposing themselves with interest in front of the public, and must not give them publicity because their mission is to get publicity, spread their threat and fear, and control humankind's mind. 

And the third one is the imagination of each and every person because our imagination is captive of the terrorists. If a terrorist attack kills 100 people, causes 100 million people to imagine,  now it is their turn to come, so we must free our imagination. Because it is we for the success and failure of terrorists. If we let them capture our minds, they become successful. But if we do not allow them to capture our minds, and free our minds, they become failures. 

And the failure of terrorism is the success of the whole world. 

By:Maryam Haji Ghulam Jan

The writer is a  student Kalkashan Acadmey Allandoor Kech
