Oh! Mankind

Do not mourn for my departure!

Please, do not regret my farewell

The way which I have chosen

Leads me to be a company of that world

Please, do not lose your strength for a man

Who has passed away forever

The one who goes

Never comes back

Do not light candles around my grave

Instead, put it in a dim-lit house

Spreading its rays on its surrounding

Please, wipe your tears Bear my departure

It is the way which welcomes every creature

Oh, People! Do not plant beside my boneyard

Cultivate it at a roadside,

Where a passer-by can take rest under its shadow

Oh, mankind! Do not scatter the rose on my grave

Save it for your upcoming birthday

When I die, do not sit sorrowfully

Instead, spend your days joyfully

Do not cry for my departure

It is the way which has to be accepted gracefully

Oh, mankind!  Be happy for my farewell

The world in which we exist is a temporary place

Everyone has to take its smell

Death. Which comes without restriction

No one can be a preventer of this man

It has no mercy for anyone

It comes for everyone as;

Men, women, children, youths, and elderly

Accept it blissfully

Oh, mankind! Never run out of this killer

It is the company of every visitor

It does not compromise with anyone

It is dutiful for the entire nation

Oh, Human being! Do not let yourself be depressed

Oh, mankind! Do not run behind a departed soul

The one who passes away' never turns again

Be excited if you can


Please do not pray for his soul

Instead, pray for those

Who wander here and there

To search for a little water

Pray for those who have been restless for their beloved

Pray for those parents who have been deprived of their children

Oh, man!

Do not drop your tears for me

I have chosen away

That does not allow me to come back

Oh, people! Be happy in these impermanent days

Oh, mankind! Do not let your feelings make you emotional

Do not make condolence for a departure

It is a way that welcomes every creature




By: Nawaz Nigwari

Turbat Kech Balochistan