Karl Marx|| The first German Philosopher 

        Karl Marx was the first German philosopher, who introduced Marxism to the world, a small concept of Marxism based on the German idea of ​​a Communist party designed to end a special class for the ruling class. Karl Marx's theory was one of the most controversial of all social sciences. By the time of World War II, the whole world had become two blocks. Half the people agreed with the capitalist society and half the world supported the Communist community. 

    Karl Marx in the German city of trier, March 5, 1818, and died 14 March 1883. According to one scholar, Marx was a prominent 20th-century philosopher in the field of social sciences. He was also known as a political critic, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist, and one of the most influential sociologists. His best articles - were 1848 pamphlets. Communist manifesto and three volumes Das capital (1867-1883).

By: Chakar Wahid

The writer is a student of Professional Class at Ruzhn  English Language Center Bugh Meeri

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