Methods of Learning
There is no doubt that computers have affected how we learn. The introduction of computers has been seen to bring about a new way of learning whereby students can acquire knowledge without requiring their attention. In addition, students can make use of educational materials that will enable them to get an idea of the process of learning. However, it must be noted that how we learn today is not the same as it was a few decades ago. It has become increasingly easy for individuals to access and use information online. It turns out that these types of internet users have less time to dedicate to acquiring knowledge from books and articles. They now take advantage of websites with information. Consequently, they are likely to possess an inadequate understanding of complex subjects as compared to students who took their education seriously. There are quite a few methods through which you can increase your knowledge base. These methods include learning techniques that enhance retention, active learning, problem-solving, self-learning, and critical thinking skills. Let’s explore some of the most outstanding ways how to improve your knowledge.
Self-learning techniques
You need not just
to read something from a book. You simply need to memorize what you read.
Therefore, there is nothing wrong with doing this type of work. As an educator,
you must consider the fact that some material may remain with the learner for
long after they read the material. This can be used to create more motivation
during the reading. Additionally, a person who does not understand something
will feel the need to find out why it is important. If a reader needs to find
out why a certain topic is important that is the reason it remains forever in
their memory. Self-learning is usually quite challenging. You must first decide
on which areas you should cover. Then you need to choose the best method. For
instance, if I want my learners to read several books then I would require each
learner to read several books. When it comes to self-learning, the best time to
do this kind of work is when learners are in class for example. Another
approach for self-learning is to teach yourself a set of questions or problems.
It is also very important to provide feedback to the learners. Feedback is necessary to ensure that you improve as a teacher. Some learners may find it difficult to accept that you are giving advice. Teachers should always try to provide all the information. This type of self-learning requires a lot of effort hence it is quite difficult to be carried on effectively. Furthermore, this can sometimes lead to frustration because certain learners may stop working when receiving advice.
Active learning is often overlooked. Active learning means that learners should be given a lot of freedom to accomplish tasks freely. In addition, active learning provides the chance for learners to develop important skills like those mentioned before in the ‘Self-learning’ section. One particular method for active teaching is known as observation. Observation involves looking at all aspects of a situation and identifying what the learner is looking for and identifying the appropriate subject that can help them to accomplish their task. This can be done either with informal learning or informal learning. With informal learning, teachers can use the classroom environment to facilitate effective teaching by creating a conducive atmosphere whereby learners can actively engage in discussions.
Also, instructors can create a special area where students can interact with other students hence enabling them to learn from each other. On the contrary, to ensure that learners become active participants in their learning, it is important to encourage their participation. Students who work hard in class and interact closely with their colleagues will be better able to see the practical side of the learning and this has to be encouraged in terms of content. Furthermore, these learners will also be able to give their views and opinions when speaking. This kind of teaching helps learners to grasp concepts that may be hard to comprehend but which apply to life situations. So far, this form of teaching has helped educators to reduce the number of errors made by learners as well as ensure high-quality education.
It is indeed easy for learners to forget their lessons after the lesson is over. A significant number of students who have taken up higher levels of learning in universities are unable to remember their lessons. Unfortunately, many times, this happens only because they have forgotten what they learned in their previous classes. This usually happens as learners are caught up on previous lectures and are unable to recollect all that they learned in the previous week.
Therefore, problem-solving helps students to come up with new solutions to old problems. Problem-solving may involve a lot of thought processes. At times, these thoughts might not turn into solutions. But for a student to remember this, they first have to solve an exercise whereby they must think of a solution. Afterward, they have to explain how their solution came to their mind. Once this is done, they have to solve another similar exercise in which they need to compare their ideas and come up with new solutions. Finally, they have to explain how to apply these solutions in real terms to their lives. However, in a case whereby their solution failed in real-life situations, they are likely to blame themselves or to blame others. Thus problem-solving can make learners understand the nature of teaching. Also, it can be considered a part of psychology since learners are responsible for finding solutions to things that they encounter in their lives. For instance, when learners face challenges, they normally blame themselves for making up for what they are missing by taking up activities of which they are unaware. So problem-solving enables learners to gain insight into how they deal with problems.
Self-learning is another area in which learning techniques can help to boost cognitive abilities. Self-learning may involve gaining knowledge on topics that are quite difficult to understand. When faced with such obstacles, it sometimes becomes difficult for learners to come up with a solution. They then have to look for explanations on what exactly they are trying to achieve. Self-learning can benefit learners in several different ways. First up, some learners may become so fixated on their learning that they find it difficult to concentrate because their focus is usually on what they know already. Secondly, self-learning can open a student up to the world since they are in this learning process and therefore open them up to new experiences that they might have forgotten. Thirdly, self-learning can enable learners to realize themselves. That is to say, they become aware of themselves and how they behave in public. Lastly, self-learning enables learners to discover and appreciate their strengths and weaknesses. Self-learning can, however, become overwhelming. Students may end up relying on teachers too much and end up becoming dependent on them. As a result, self-learning may become detrimental for learners especially if they are suffering from depression or anxiety.
Critical thinking is one of the key features of human beings. We need critical thinkers more than any other people on earth. Critical thinkers are capable of putting forth arguments to support their ideas. To be able to argue, they need to use reasoning and reasoning skills. Moreover, Critical thinkers are required to analyze issues in various ways. An individual with the ability to analyze would have the potential of making a difference in society. These qualities are all traits that are possessed by humans. Critical thinkers can only be developed using various techniques which have been discussed above. Some key techniques are discussed below.
learning techniques
As indicated
earlier, active learning requires the use of observation, self-learning, and
problem-solving. In doing this, it may be helpful to use technology that allows
learners to interact with each other, develop their collaboration skills and
build social relations in the community. Technology can be used to gather
evidence from the surroundings. This implies the use of video conferencing
software to conduct interactions between learners and to share different types
of information like pictures, video clips, and audio files.
Technology can also help learners to collaborate. Collaboration in this type of setting involves exchanging ideas and knowledge among different learners. There have been great advances to this because there are more than twenty million videos on YouTube. This type of collaborative activity enables sharing of rights among learners. In addition, the virtual classroom enhances the learning of diverse viewpoints and perspectives. Further, technology has come up with applications that allow students to conduct research and gain new knowledge. Similarly, it is possible to connect learners in cases where they have specific interests like those of science, engineering, etc. Through social media, learners interact with their peers. Social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, etc are widely popular platforms through which learners connect with their peers as they seek answers to their problems and ideas. These social networks connect learners in groups whereby they brainstorm together over problems and they exchange ideas and knowledge which in turn can help students to overcome challenges that arise in their lives. Research shows that if these communities and networks are utilized properly, they can help people like doctors, lawyers, professors, entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurs. It is also argued that these applications have helped to create friendships amongst students and scholars. The use of technology for learning has numerous benefits including increased awareness and enjoyment of learning. It can also allow learners to easily adapt to new styles of learning and to experiment with their creativity.
Self-learning is
another area in which learning techniques can help teachers to enhance
learning. Self-learning techniques are quite simple, unlike the rest of the
discussed above. The self-learning techniques include observation, problem-solving,
self-learning, and critical thinking. All these types of self-learning are
beneficial in enhancing cognitive abilities like problem-solving and creativity
and they all can be.
Md. Aamir Aman
The writer
is the director of RELC Bugh Meeri
Kech Balochistan
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