The Virus, Lumpy Skin|| A deadly virus.

            An evil threatening virus has been diagnosed by various doctors, in recent reports of Agha Khan University Hospital the symptoms of the virus were reported at first in dairy farms where the cows were infected at beginning, now the raising cases are linked with hen and other animals as well. This dangerous disease is harmful to human beings as well. Further, cow’s meat is a symptom that is threatening to eat it and puts you in danger.

            According to reports, 200 cows perished and this virus came at the first in Africa in 2012. The public stated to the media that before 2 months the virus was found in Hyderabad, but the carelessness of the public made it possible to spread all around.

            It is requested to the concerned health ministers to please increase the works’ progression so that it must not be the cause of deaths of the public and animals too.


By: Shema Tahir Ali

The writer is a student at Bright Future Academy Turbat

Kech Balochistan