Water||our reason to smile
Water is a renewable resource needed for all life on Earth. The human body and the species of aquatic animals are made up mainly of H2O. Water is essential for maintaining health, regulating temperature, transporting oxygen in the blood, and lubricating the joints. It also helps with growth (such as seedlings) and reproduction (fertilization).
Water is one of the most important natural resources produced by nature. A hydrologic cycle is a natural process in which water evaporates from the oceans, lakes, and streams; ascends into the air like vapor; thickening creates clouds; it cools and rains on land where it also becomes rivers, lakes, or seas as well. This is a cycle that can happen many times a day.
Water is a precious resource, no matter where you live. We've been fighting about it since people first got it. Water is essential to all living things, including humans. In areas with shallow water, it is something to be fought or stolen by invaders. In wetlands - like the United States - it is something we waste and do not value enough. If we do not change our habits immediately, we may not have access to clean drinking water for ourselves or for future generations.
In the United States and in other parts of the world, we generally take clean water for granted. In some parts of the world, however, water is a rare commodity. In some parts of the world, people have no access to safe drinking water from their own wells and have to travel several miles daily carrying their water containers on their heads to get drinking water.
In some parts of the world, access to clean water is scarce. A study by National Geographic found that 1.1 billion people live without access to clean water and 2.6 billion live without access to sanitation facilities. This means that more than three billion people are at risk of developing water-related diseases each year, including the spread of hepatitis and diarrhea. In developing countries, the average person receives less than 25 gallons [25 L] of clean, safe water per day, while the people of the developed world use about 50 gallons [150 L] a day.
Water is such a vital resource that people have tried to control it for thousands of years. There are many past stories that show how water has had a profound effect on people's lives. The history of water has undoubtedly been lost over time, but many ancient civilizations seem to have anticipated the events we now face. For example, during the First Bronze Age in India, the Indus Valley civilization thrived on farmers and rural life but sometime between 2200 and 1900 B.C., this civilization suddenly collapsed.
In Mesopotamia, the Babylonians had a water god called Enk. One account describes the catastrophic flood that swept across the globe. The water god heard the cries of the people and decided to come down from his throne to save everyone. He is depicted in many ancient inscriptions as he boarded a boat and used a large gate to block the rising waters. All of this calls to mind the Biblical account of Noah, who built an ark to carry all life on a global deluge that destroyed the world (Madill).
Water has played a major role in many religions throughout history. Hinduism has many stories about the river Ganges which is considered sacred in India. The Ganges River is considered to be a major part of the sacred river Brahmaputra (Madill).
In ancient Egypt, there were many myths about floods and floods. The Nile River evidently was sacred to the ancient Egyptians and is generally identified as “the Life-Giver” because it imparts water to all farming, irrigation, and life. Moses grew up in Egypt, where he is believed to have witnessed a great flood. The flood destroyed most of Egypt, and people went with him.
Although there are many different natural resources that our governments operate around the world with varying degrees of success (eg water, oil, and even fish), there are no such world-class organizations that cover water issues at the international level. There is a very close relationship between water and food production. This means that water management is very important for food security.
Water is a very important natural resource, and there is a growing need for global water management. This is because there are several regional and local incidents of overuse, pollution, and lack of safe drinking water. Moreover, its political aspects have become very clear as well. However, many international organizations have not yet achieved a comprehensive consensus on how to solve such problems consistently around the world.
What we need to do to conserve water
before it becomes severe:
The issue of water scarcity has become a growing issue around the world. It is estimated that by 2030, two-thirds of the world's population will face a water crisis (Madill). To avoid this, it is important for our generation and our generation to pursue water conservation and management.
To solve the problem of water scarcity today, we must first save water because that is the first step to good governance. By not wasting too much water, we can save thousands of gallons of water each year. Another thing we need to do is use our precious drinking water wisely. We should not waste it on things like watering our grass and gardens while there are better ways to conserve this precious resource.
In addition to using them wisely, we should also be responsible for disposing of our water properly. That means we should not put any dirt on it. If our sewage system is closed and overflowing then it will pollute all our waterways and ultimately disrupt our drinking supply.
Water is sometimes regarded as an
unlimited resource, but we must learn to protect this important resource.
Provides drinking water and agricultural support and food supply; almost all
planetary systems depend on it.
By: Waleed Wahag
The writer is a senior teacher of Ruzhn English Language Center Bugh Meeri
Turbat Kech Balochistan
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