Well-done DC of Kech

            It is said that animals are the blessing creatures of society. They are considered as the beauty of nature and must be treated well. In addition, they also have the right to live freely and move to enjoy their lives as human beings do.

             Hunting animals and birds are not acceptable to be applied by hunters to harm the beautiful creatures. Without the presence of them, our society looks like nothing. 

Recently, the Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Kech has taken solid action regarding the hunting of birds in the surrounding of Kech. If any person is found in act of killing wild animals, then they will be arrested and will be fined as well. 

            On the other side, he also ordered all the police, levies, Naib Tehsildars, and other security forces of the surroundings to be alert and are directed to take action against the hunters for hunting. 

It is mentioned saving animals' lives is very important for all people to take care of and impose a ban on any kind of hunting of birds in society. 

            Being a human being, it is requested to all people to be kind to animals and let them walk and live life positively. 


By: Nawaz Nigwari

Bal Nigwar, Kech Balochistan