The Ziarat committee was called by Shabeer Ahmed Mingal, the Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Kech on Friday at the DC office in Turbat city. During the meeting, Deputy Commissioner discussed the ongoing issues of the shrine and tried to facilitate the coming pilgrims. On this occasion, Mullah Barkat Baloch, the chairman of Ziyarat Committee, Ziarat office in charge Hamid Abdul Wahid, DSP Imam Yaqob, DSP Legal Lal Jan Dashi, Dr. Hameed Baloch, MS teaching Hospital of Kech Dr. Tariq Saki, Municipal Corporation Turbat Ubaid Qashif, Additional Director Akeel Karim, and other official persons were present in the meeting.  " All Zikris people will be facilitated at Ziarat," DC has addressed to the participants.

            On the other side, he also directed the whole police, levies, the members of the health department, and other active leaders to be alert the surrounding the holy place to bring protection, and observation so that the people do not face trouble. He said that it is the month of Ramadan we all people must respect each and every individual and provide the basic facilities to them and do not let them suffer from any bad situation.

            Additionally, the chairman of the Ziyarat Committee, Mullah Barket explained that it is expected that more than one lac Zikris people will appear at the shrine (Koh-E-Murad) at Turbat in this special month to practice their religious activities. Further, he addressed that it is the responsibility of the entire people to respect and spend this holy month respectfully and there must be a brotherhood among the whole pilgrims and to maintain a harmonious environment.

            Besides this, the concerned authorities pointed out that all people will be provided medical resources, ambulances, and other necessities in the surrounding Ziyarat.


By: Nawaz Nigwari

Turbat Kech Balochistan