The Health statistics show that there were 2,245,404 marriages and 827,261 divorces in 2016. A significant number of marriages ended that year. Due to drug addiction, the divorce rate is increasing resulting in the destruction of the lives of children. The separation of parents affects the child both physically and mentally. It is estimated that 48% of American and British children live in divorced single-parent home by age 16 or 17.

            These children may experience ongoing traumas after their parents’ divorce. It changes the lives of children completely positive and negative. It is likely that the children will be quarrelsome and cruel because of the impacts of their parent’s separation on their upbringing.

            It truly can take a toll on the kids, but it can also affect the entire family. In this era one of the more sobering realities of life is divorce.


By: Sanaullah Dad 

Turbat Kech