In this modern era, everyone is playing online games to get enjoyment. Some of the students play it to get relaxed and some of them play to just pass the time. Pubg is the most addictive game. Students are getting easily affected by it. Pubg is famous and overall the world more than one hundred million people are downloading this game on the Android play store.         

                However, nowadays Pubg is affecting the students like drug addicts. Pubg is really taking lives. A piece of news claimed that a young student was working in a lab:instead of drinking water,  he drank chemical liquid because he was so busy playing Pubg. Due to this, he lost his life. 

            Nevertheless, students are totally engaged in playing this game continuously for four hours with friends and do not concentrate on their studies at all. The killing and blood-shedding are negatively affecting the mindset of students.

            On the other hand, The Pugb made the students too lazy and weaken their minds and due to it, the students are victimized by several abnormalities like eyes sights issues and mind abnormalities.

            Observing such abysmal and unpleasant occurrences at each nook and cranny of globalization, it is to draw the attention of competent authorities to work out this burning issue otherwise it takes several precious lives of young students who are really declared as the backbone of developed nations.


By: Zarnaz Hassan

The writer is a student of LEPS.

Turbat Kech Balochistan