
            Once there was a boy named Javid who was at the age of 10, lived in a small village. His parents were unemployed due to which they couldn't live happily. After 2 years the family moved to a city, there they got a good job. After it, the parents of the boy admitted him to a good school. Javid started going to school till the exam arrived but unfortunately he failed the exam. He became worried and went home, where he cried a lot. His mother asked him then he said that he failed but his mother suggested to him that next time he will be passing by just working hard.

            His mother sent him to an academy center. He started working hard so he got the first position in the academy and also got the second position in school. He became perfect in reading and got a position in every class. After 5 years suddenly he saw a girl who attracted him. So, he collected information about her. Every time Javid was thinking about her and was completely lost in thoughts. After some months the girl didn't come to school so he became worried. His complete attention was on that girl due to which his study was destroyed.

            Further, soon after some days, he saw another girl in school who looks like that previous girl. Then again he fell in love with her.  Days were passing quickly one day while Javid was looking at her, she saw Javid had a smile. Javid thought may she love me, therefore; he has given a letter to her but the reaction of the girl was totally different.

            The girl has given the answer to the letter that if you do so then I will inform my family members and I don't have such feelings about you. He was completely worried and he left his education. His complete career was destroyed because of his feelings. Moral of the story does not run behind love and feelings because feelings can damage and destroy you, your life, and your career.



By: Alinawaz Hinayat 

The writer is a student at Bright Future Academy 
