1. Delete social media
Social media is the #1-time
waster in the 22nd century. It adds no value to your life, doesn't
teach you anything useful, and doesn't even connect you with other people in a
meaningful way. Unless you're using Facebook messenger to catch up with an old
friend, don't use social media for more than 60 minutes a day. It increases
depression, decreases life satisfaction, and is generally not a valuable use of
your time. You have better things to do.
2. Remember the Power
of Intention
This is about time…You
ONLY waste them if you spend them in a different way than you originally wanted.
For example, if you binge-watch the entire first season of The Haunting of Hill
House in a single afternoon, you've just wasted your time if you intended to do
something else. If you had a long week at work and wanted to treat yourself to
a chill day, guess what? You didn't waste a second. The intention is everything
when the time comes. It is okay to spend time on unproductive activities such
as playing games, watching TV, and other mindless activities. As long as it was
your intention. Don’t feel guilty about taking the time. Just make sure you
INTENT to take downtime instead of wasting time you intended on other
3. Get rid of all
Distraction is one of
the biggest time wasters known to man. If you are interrupted while working, it
takes you more than 17 minutes to get back into the flow. This means that EVERY
time you get distracted, you effectively lose a quarter of an hour. So turn off
your notifications, lock your office doors, tell your colleagues and family NOT
to disturb you unless it's a legitimate emergency. Eliminate all the
distractions you can and you will greatly reduce the amount of time you waste.
4. Focus on one thing
at a time
Multi-tasking does not
work. You might think it is... But it isn’t. When your focus is distracted, it
takes you twice as long to complete every task you focus on. To save more time,
become a singles master by focusing on important tasks until completion.
5. Chill Out
Finally, if you want
to stop wasting time, stop worrying about wasting time. Guess what? You spend
1/3 of your life sleeping. It's a necessary part of a healthy life, but it's a
complete "waste of time" in the sense that you can't do anything
while you're asleep. You are wasting your time. It is part of human existence.
You’ll get stuck in traffic, get distracted at work (despite your best
efforts), find yourself mentally incapable of completing tasks, and waste days
on social media. So instead of fighting it, learn to work around it. Accept
yourself and all your time-wasting habits for what they are and learn to tone
them down. Because at the end of the day, there's no point in stressing about things
you can't always control.
Hope this helps.
By: Md. Aamir Aman
The Director of Ruzhn English Language Center
Bugh Meeri Turbat
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