The book "Start with why" is one of the best books which is written by Simon Sinek who lives in New York. It is a motivational book that tells us how to inspire people. Besides, it also tells that when you are starting a business or any other work, start it with why.

Because you have to know why I am doing this and what is the main purpose or reason behind doing this work. By this, you can be able to face more and more difficulties or challenges in order to achieve your goals. It helps us how to influence or attract other people or customers. Likewise, it helps to be more confident in our work.

Lastly, I want to suggest to everyone that whenever you get a chance so you should read this book since it will help you to fight with your own self
. There is nothing to bring more happiness, always wake up with a clear sense of why to inspire people. You have to know yourself, your ability, and your goal.


By: Aqil Sabzal

The writer is a student at Bright Future Academy Absor Turbat 
