It is a general fact to believe that education has become an industry of earning money because every individual in the present time has no focus on the mission towards education. The mission, which should be their main goal, is kept aside

Moreover, the ultimate purpose of getting an education is to be employed or give and take bribes, rather than to be qualified. Surely, in the current Era educational institutions are running like an industry where the Just economy is being boosted by taking money, but providing very less quality education and having even no mission of education.

Furthermore, it is a harsh truth to say that in some schools and colleges parents have to pay donations to get their children admission. In reality, these days all the Private Schools and colleges are just targeted and concerned about only money, not skills and talents, due to this, even a hundred thousand of students are lost their dreams and also losing their talents.

Even if a student is just failing in any of the tiers, the Students pay the price and he/she gets passed in that tier with the highest marks. Because Such Schools and colleges don't have Missions, even some Schools and Colleges don't know their missions then how they want to provide quality education and work for the betterment of Societies and the nation.

Albeit, this kind of vandalizes the education system as the student who is not capable, you are just giving him or her a good position and that should not be.  And I believe these things exist everywhere if you have money, you can have anything.

On the other hand, it is also not possible to educate people without financial help, but generating money from this field is not appropriate. The Institutes in this field increasing day by day. But it is horrifying to see that their institutes don't have to educate People, even when they never guess about their missions but are interested to increase their fees every month. 

Finally, I appeal to all private Schools and colleges for the God's Sake Stop running behind Money, keep missions, and work on them, So Work for the betterment of students, Societies, and the country. Because I still believe education is the key to success. The only thing it needs to leave behind is greed and follow the right paths towards success and promote Innovation.


By: Noor Bakhsh Saleem
