The police arrested a man on Friday who started firing at female teachers and snatched a purse from one of them in the Takht Nusrati's farther area of Karak district. The officer said the Yaqoob Khan Shaheed police station team led by Sho Hakim khan was observing the shah Salim area to check security in the educational institution when they heard gunshots.

They said a traffic warden told police that the fire occurred in a government girl school in Takht Nasrati Bazar. when the police reached there so the teacher and students were crying for help. The policeman said and ordered him to surrender but he started firing. A teacher zuhra Jabeen said that he snatched a purse from her and a Mobile phone, cash, and a national identity card. After the police arrested him and known as Abdullah in law aghar Algada area.


By: Hammal Noor

The writing belongs to bright future academy Absor Turbat