Practice Tough Love" is the fourth chapter of the book " Who Will Cry When You Die" written by Robin Sharma. The highly successful writer who has a golden thread of self-discipline. If the self, discipline is maintained, it is easier to set clear goals, to manage your time effectively with discipline.

 The chapter emphasized that we need to think positive thoughts and treat people well. The author seeks to highlight the phrase "practice tough love" as a "habit of self-discipline" The chapter clearly states that being tough yourself is a loving gesture when you become tough yourself you will be focusing on your life. The author quoted in a seminar "The tougher you are on yourself, the easier life will be on you" Moreover, your decisions and choices always shape the quality of your life.

The morning you wake up, you think about the days that will help you to decide the right choices that you know are the right ones. You can easily take control of your life. The perfect people do not waste their time on what is most comfortable and convenient They have such courage in their own hearts so such habits clearly make their lives beautiful.

As Aristotle opinioned a pearl of wisdom here " Whatever we learn to do, we learn by actually doing it" in conclusion, by doing just the acts ultimately we become just. And by doing acts which are self-controlled act, we then we become self-controlled. And by doing any brave acts which make us brave.




By: Aman Ullah Dashti,
