It is to take you through various events and happenings at the period of Anglo-Norman in which a grand variation has been taken place, and it was the era of development, changes, growth of mind, awareness, trading, and so forth. Importantly, due to fame and might, people crossed every limit of their life to gain it. Even though, the interesting hobby of the people was to conquer and settle down there at any cost. On the other hand, a great sort of cooperation, love, chivalry, respect, and identity can be seen during this region. Further ideas have been expounded below.
horrific battle in 1066
It was the month of October a conflict
broke out, and it had brought a huge change in the shape of history. Not only
this but also, it impacted the history through which way of living of people
and lifestyle has been changed. However, in Normandy which is located in
France where William the conqueror has been reigning a small part of it as a
Duke, and he also wanted to rule over England.
By carrying the very intention of attacking the people of England and settling down there. Because it is said that his friend made a promise with him that after my death you would be the Duke of England and start handling the overall situation of the country. As it is said that the English king of England Edward had no child due to this his close friend was William the conqueror that is what he wanted to give his kingdom of England to him. When the news promulgated and reached Edward’s relatives by not accepting the agreement of the king, here a terrible war took place between William and the English king. William attacked and killed the king of England and started ruling there.
the conqueror
After captivating England and its belongings William wanted to prove himself to be a great Duke of it, and he started ruling both of the countries England and France. Moreover, the greatest quality of him was when he attacked Anglo-Saxons he did not execute them rather he had a very good relationship with them, and he worked with them as a team. On the other hand, he only did not rule over there rather he established rules and administration. The essential thing is that he knew the overall characteristics of them, and he created collaborative government by having the support and love of them in order to rule the country in the best way and facilitate its people. If we look at the educational aspect William worked for the betterment and development of English, and he emphasized rules and orders. Similarly, overall rules and regulations must be followed strictly at any rate. Besides this, some more important tasks he did while he was ruling. He brought democratic and artistic tendencies to England.
of William
Truly it was the first time that a great survey had been done so as to know and discover the overall characteristics of England. It was said that before such brilliant survey had not been done by any kings, and it left a tremendous impression on Anglo-Saxons. The main purpose was to know about properties, land, and its boundaries because it makes a ruler rule over in a better and easy manner, and he could put his eyes in everywhere in order to protect and preserve the things. After a strong researcher, William wrote a book ‘’Doomsday. It is very fantastic and useful for the people at that time so as to learn many things from it. Besides this, he used to collect taxes for the betterment of a country and the same had been utilized for different good objectives. Might be the same taxes used for needy people in order to uplift them. The interesting point is that he was aware of everything, and he brought a different kind of systems and rules.
At that time feudalism had been considered one of the greatest systems of ruling, and the people obeyed and were obedient towards kings. Moreover, the orders and rules of the king were accepted by every person without showing any arguments towards kings. The most important point is that people worked under the king in order to reach protection and perseverance from the king. It is true that for this world that world Allah is the king, but this world does not run itself, and it needs a strong, diligent, and intellectual person to rule a specific country. That is what a king is ruler and head of the overall people in this world.
of Pop
In the concept of Christianity Pop has the greatest role than the kings. A king cannot do and decide anything without consulting Pop, because Pop gives the right suggestion to a king what to do and what not to do. Importantly, whatever Pop said to the king, he followed at any cost, because Pop is considered superior than the king.
and serf
At the time of feudalism, there were two classes, and both of them are different from each other in all aspects.
Peasant is one of the classes that do not have a very high rank in society, and they mostly work as formers. On the other hand, they cultivate in the field in order to find out their livelihood bypassing their time in a proper manner. Notably, to say that one cannot say peasants did not have any respect, value, and reverence at all rather they had respect, but they did not belong high class.
It is the class that had been considered be to a slave. They had no respect at all in society, and they were completely disregarded. After a long period of being neglected not getting respect and value, they planned to raise their status in society. The planning and the mission were to train their children to be knights and great fighters in society because in a society a knight has very huge respect and is valued everywhere. What they did they sent their children to different houses in order to make them strong and knights as well. After passing so many processes one could become a knight and a knight needed to bear all difficulties and challenges, after that one can become a knight. For the selection of a knight, they conducted a ceremony is called Dubbing where a knight had been chosen.
historical events
It is true that in the history of England so many events and chronicles took place, and they affected the people and its history. In the same way, one of them is Crusade. Christianity time and again wanted to attack Muslims so as to captivate the place and settle down there, but Muslims had so developed that it remained for them impossible to defeat them. In 1o96 Christianity wanted to attack Jerusalem, but they failed to do so, even though, many times they planned to captivate the land in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries. On the other hand, they could not capture, but they learned and took various things from the Muslims for their improvement and development. The most important thing is that Christianity though be in huge number, but they could not stay in front of the power of Muslims. A much-highlighted quality of a Muslim is when he stands and commits for the protection of his religion, he does not move at all till he gets success in his mission.
No doubt, a memorable personality Thomas was whose sacrifice has been written with the golden page of history, and he is remembered in every aspect of literature because of his unique contribution by preserving the religion. Not only this but also in the name of religion he was put to death and stopped his life everlasting. However, the great person who made sure his existence on the earth in 1118. Basically, what happened, Thomas was a religious person, but his life was put to an end due to religion. Furthermore, he used to work with his friend as a chancellor, his friend Henry 2 was the king, and he was ruling over there. So what happened Henry only thought his own benefit, because this he appointed Thomas to be the Pop. It is true that time King could not do anything without pop because Pop has a direct relation with God. At that time the greatest church was Cathedral where Thomas was appointed to be the Pop, and accept the overall command and order of the king and run as the king said. On the other hand, what the king wanted him to do, but he refused to do that. King ordered his soldiers to carry him out to my court if he refused, you all would kill him. When they went to Canterbury where the greatest cathedral is located, Thomas is present out there in church. Sadly, Thomas refused to come with them and meet the king. Badly they killed Thomas within church and soldiers went back. Due to this, Thomas becket became very famous and even today he is remembered.
Magna Carta
It is in the history of Britain which was the first time a great task was done. Truly,It was advantageous for the people to have their rights and express their feelings, and it was great for a great number of people to follow. That was the Magna Carta, and it was the constitution where the law and regulations were written down. On the other hand, it was written by aristocrats, and it was for the aristocrats. Most importantly, it was signed by a great King John in 1215.
Literature of Anglo-Norman
At the time of Anglo-Norman, there were two types of literature, and both of them were playing their roles in society. However, both of them were given importance and value to some extent. The first one is religion and 2nd one is secular.
At this time by a great number of brilliantly, religion was given too much importance, and they considered the religion everything as well as they followed all requirements of it. It is said that many songs were written at this about virgin marry means Hazrat Maryam, and a splendid tribute was given to him. On the other hand, various Monasteries were constructed for preaching very religion means at that time Christianity was the religion and central of the most of the people. Gradually, in every society religion was promulgating and accepting Christianity, not only this but also the religion was getting great importance. They started writing about saint life for the purpose of bringing the people into the right path and wanted to take out them from the darkness.
It is to believe that there is a system of social organization that definitely does not permit at any rate the religion to influence the government, the way of living, and people themselves, and they do not want the religion to interpret in their walk of life because they want to have a life that must be without restriction. On the other hand, they do not want to change behaviors, beliefs, and importantly the way of doing things in the own manner they love. However, at the time of secularism, a great number of romances had been written, and they became very famous in literature. Especially, it is said that most of the romances had been borrowed from Latin, Italian, and France.
types of romances
In society, a knight has given reverence and had been seen with respectful eyes. However, after any sort of conquering a knight was rewarded with tribute, love and made so many songs for the celebration, and Sir Knight had been appreciated a lot. Importantly, a knight sacrificed his life for his people and nation that is why he had a great love and reputation in the society.
In history at that time story had been the best and liked by people of legend knights, and they loved to read and know about those people who had done something or contributed to literature like Alexander the Great and Sir Gawain.
Once he had been a great king in the history of literature who put his contribution in it, and he was the king of English as well as a great warrior of Christianity. Most importantly, he became famous due to his character.
It was the time a great number of legendary was written, and people had a tremendous interest in it. Not only this but also these tales became very famous.
Chaucer is a great poet that history ever had. His way of expressing and observing of the things and people none of the written can. He was the first who wrote the themes in such a way that overall people are influenced, and he was the first who wrote in English. On the hand other, so many events came in his life, and went through them and gained so many things. At an early age, Chaucer had so many professions such as solider, traveler and met different kings. Most importantly, he traveled to other countries and read their literature well, and he knew and memorized so many stories. It is said that he was the man of knowledge.
At that time Sir Gawain was legendry, famous, and had great respect, and he wrote so many unique stories, one of the best is Green Night. During this period King was Arthur was a great ruler. In this story, a man with a horse came and challenged the King, but no one was ready to accept the challenge. Finally, Sir Gawain accepted the challenge, the main reason was to testify the reputation of the knight. It is a very beautiful and too famous story.
It is to have said that at that time of Anglo-Norman that much paper had been introduced, and mostly they said the things orally or practically the things and characters were shown to the people for connecting their faults. In the same way, miracle play was used to rectify the shortcomings of the people, and in the play, they were told the right way what to do and what not to do. However, mostly the life of saints had been represented because the reason is that due to their unique characters, behaviors and became epitome in the society. As well, the great deeds of saints were portrayed to the people. It is said that by doing so most people learned so many things.
In the concept or belief of Christianity, a person must be completely purified and be free from every sort of sin. However, in the play of morality, they wanted to correct the faults of people and put them on the right path completely. As well, in the church Christian saint used to sermonize and made the people understand fully every shortcoming, and they were told about seven deadly sins, lust, guttery, wrath, sloth, pride, greed, and envy. If someone has one of them he is not a pure Christian at all. On the other hand, it is said that for preserving their faith, they represented the life and character of a saint so that they should learn something from it. At the very beginning, drama had been started in the church, which means that it was limited only to church. After that, they thought that it must be limited in the church, and they started making cycles and everywhere the good deed had practiced for the correction of people shortcomings.
In the history of Anglo-Norman so, many
things could be seen, and a great change took place as well. As Norman came to
England and conquered it, with them they brought a tremendous revolution on the
land of England. On the other hand, there was a corroborative government, in this
period there were great poets, playwrights, knights, and so forth. As it is said
that it was the era of change and development, and people were going towards
By: Shahmis Imam
The writer is a post-graduate student from the University of Turbat and an ambitious teacher at Zanth Academy Jusak
Turbat Kech, Balochistan
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