Women are a wonderful creation of the almighty Allah without whom mankind is incomplete. God created even in heaven because Adam was alone, he needed company and support. In the beginning, women work hand to hand with the men in every field of life through it is irrigation or any other type of work like household chores. In addition in today's era women are empowered to have all rights. Women can play a vital role if they are given the wholehearted liberty to act with men. In this modern era of technology, a country can accomplish anything if the society is civilized and where there is no discrimination between males and females. Women can perform their duty whole wholeheartedly in the country where freedom of working is provided equally to both genders. The only source of inspiration and development is in the hand of men and women. If the rights of women are secure humankind is secure but when their rights are demolished then the ignorance of people can cause destruction and failure in every field of life. Furthermore, in a developing country, it is much crucial to provide equal rights to women where women could give her hundred percent for the development of the county.

Today, there are still problems for women. One of the big problems is sexual harassment.  Many women have jobs outside, and they get sexual harassment from their bosses. It is a very common problem, and it is the worst problem for women. Also, there is the unfair payment between men and women. Many women work with men, they work the same time as men, and they have the same abilities as men. However, their salaries are different. Men get more than women sometimes. It is not fair. Before, men worked for supporting their families, but now, women work for supporting their families too. Thus, it must be the same amount of payment. It is not only the issue that women face in the four walls of the house, they have confronted sexual harassment in the workplaces, schools, and university blackmailed. First women are blackmail through different things. For example, women are blackmailed that if they don’t let for physical interaction, they will take them out from jobs, or give them fewer marks in exams, or do other silly works to get their guilty work to be done. In these pressures and disappointment, several women have committed suicide or got mentally disorder because of so much being in agony and anxiety. Women are not only used for sexual works they are also not given high position in the jobs. They say they are weak unable to lead a big burden or position. Therefore, if one see in the world most of the high positions are under control of men. World is all controlled by the man. Men are the king of the world.

Thetfirsttwavetoftfeminismttooktplacetastearlytastthet1800standtraisedtnumeroustchallengestthattlatertcontributedttotthetwomentrightstmovement.tThetfirsttandtsecondtwavestraised  questionstontracialtdiscriminationtandtinequalitytintsociety.tOthertthantthetfeministtmovements,ttherethavetbeentnumeroustconventionstandtorganisationstthatthavettakentuptthistissuetonttheirthands.tTheretaretmultipletwellknowntfeminists,tliketAlicetWalker,twhothavetstatedtthattsocialtactivismtistatsteptforwardtintpromotingtwomentequalitytandtfeministtideals.

Numeroustpiecestoftevidencetcantprovetintfavourtoftthetargumenttthattwomentaretthetessentialtcontributorstinthistoricaltdevelopment.tIttisttimettotacknowledgetsuchtatcontributiontandtchangetourtgoalsttotmaketatbettertsociety.However, they are blind to see the power of women. Women are considered weak in places. But they have not opened the history that where women had been given equal right to participate that country has reached to the sky. Take the example of Kurdish, when it was under control of ISIS, their men were all killed or joined ISIS. The women raised against these brutal terrorists.  They formed their army and defeated the ISIS and made Kurdistan a peaceful country in the world. It is not only the thing women had done in the history, such a victorious missions were carried several with the time.  Let me open the history of Greeks, where two state well known: Athens and Sparta both were fatal enemy of each other. But Sparta won a battle which took place between these two states. The Sparta became successful and defeated the other state it was because Spartan allowed women to participate specially in military, and other field, but Athens ignored that women are weak and they are good only good for physical interaction. They came to know after the defeat that women can also be very special for building a state successfully.


As it is mentioned above the rights of women are not those which are implemented by the society religion, tradition or culture. because the creator of these segments of society are made by human beings; specifically by the men of the society, who makes the tradition, or other things for the sake of own benefits which surely will not be the favor of women. The religious men implement that women should marry when they reach to their puberty, women must wear ijab because other men may take benefit of their beauty which is the property of another man. They enforce that women are to be inside four walls of the house, not to go out to work which men do. Women are different kind of human they are not allowed to talk with a loud wail since it is a kinds of sin religiously. However, it is wrong to mention that religion has not amended these but these men have brought them on face of earth for their own personal interest.

Further, women is not only stopped by the religion but they are showered with hundreds of restrictions by their husbands. Husbands are kind of beast for the women in this conservative society. If mistakenly a woman does one tiny error then husband first beats her, stop providing basic needs of her life then take her out from the house. They are just a kind of slave in the jail of husband. It is really shocking to mention that a real story women mentioned by BBC that almost forty percent of women are victim of domestics’ violence. They are killed by the brothers for honor of family. Recently father shot her daughter on her head just because she said to father that she is not ready to marry who is selected by her father, rather she wants to marry of her own choice. Husband, brother, and father are the security of women from the danger of outer world, but it is very upsetting to mention that the protector are also the threat and warning of life risk of women in the society.


In the same manner today, in the world, all those country are developed who have valued equally men and women whereas some country like Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia and some other who are backward because they have ignored the women who are 50% population of the country. The country will go up if women are part of the society equally in all fields whether that is education, politics, social work, or other economical works. Physical strength is not the only thing today in the world to defeats other. Today mind is very essential. Because world is now not in Stone Age, where things were done by physical power using swords or muscles now it is time of missile, rocket launcher and other poisonous weapons. They are made by mind not by physical strength. Thus women have that mental strength. Women can explore better ideas to invent things. They can convince better someone than men. They have such qualities. Therefore a great personality says, “Give me an educated woman, I will give you an educated nation. This the power of women to change a society, to convert illiterate into literate. 

In a nut shell, women just need that they should be considered equally as men are. They will then prove themselves better and stronger than this society men. Women can be better and honest in work. They are less decisive than men.  They love to do the work honestly. Therefore, if a nation wants to be developed in this fast world of twenty first century they must let their women to come on surface to partake in all the fields which support the nation to rise and fly high and high in the world. Women is the second wing of the nation. Nation does not fly until women is not fixed to the nation as second wing.

By: Sheela Nabi Bakhsh

The writer is a student at University of Turbat