English is a very important language because many countries in the world speak English we all know that people everywhere have their language which is also called mother tongue the mother Tongue is used by man to communicate with the people of the place where He or she born we can also call it a regional language.

            Future more _ Every year 4000 new words are added to the English vocabulary. words like selfie blogging are new additions to This language. Every one person out of five can speak and understand English. English has acquired the top of the language on the Internet also the English Language helps us learn about Different cultures.

            However, The English language play's an important role in our life it is understood by many people around the world since it is the most spoken language it is essential in our education the English language help's us to communicate with nearly all the people around the world even through the Internet.

            Beside this.  Learning English Braden's job opportunities for international travel Language English is essential. Almost all important journals are papers are published in English.

English is 64.3% of total English speakers of the world. The English language is a globally popular language it has become a medium. International communication this language.


 By: Mehwash Aman

 Turbat Kech Balochistan