Burn my letters (Mani Nambdi han Bun de)

            "Burn my letters" is a counseling book of Muneer Ahmad Bhadeni one of the Balochi writers whose writings do not only give knowledge or information but also tell the root of knowledge he is a philosophical writer who always tries to bring knowledge of philosophy into his literary writing. Burn my letters is one of his books in which a father sends eight letters to his son. In each letter, he conveys a message to suggest to his son how to work, love, and suffer during his career. We are mostly stuck and we don't know what to do, how to do and where to do it because education is a very broad term it is very difficult to select a field or goal which a person is confused about to select. He tells his son that at First, we have to know our origin, existence, and the reality of truth. The truth whether that is our sensation, cognition, or affection. Secondly the demand of God that what He wants from us and why does He create the human beings. On the other hand, he distinguishes between philosophy and literature, science and religion, and politician which fulfill our hunger for food. The philosophy that teaches us what is realty. The literature is the mirror of life. According to Muneer philosophy tells the truth and literature shows that truth. Without literature, Philosophy cannot be shown and without philosophy, the literature cannot be found.

            Science is the knowledge of the physical world while religion is the knowledge of the soul. Without science, we cannot describe the physical world and without religion, we cannot describe the abstract world which is beyond science. But both are connected to each other for describing them, as Albert Einstein says, "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." But they have their own views on reality.

            So another power that lies within the man is sex hormones which give temporary pleasure. It is a part of life but we can convert sex feeling into another part of our lives. We cannot control it rather we can convert that energy or power into another work through our positive thoughts. But how? And who can, the one who really wants to bring changes and achieve new sides of their lives.

            Apart from these, our attitude is the creator of every action that we behave. Before knowing above mentioned sciences, we have to cultivate positive thoughts in our attitude then we will come to know the reality of God, our existence, the reality of where we want to go, the field we need to choose, and the purpose we love to live.

            Finally, burn my letters are not the letters of wishes, requests, suggestions of a particular work. The letters are the knowledge of the philosophy of life and how one can love his or her wisdom. This is recommended by me to have views on these letters or the books to perceive the nature of life and its demand.


By:  Shah Nawaz Noor

The writer is a student at the University of Turbat

Turbat Kech Balochistan