Sexism and violence against girls and women 

    Sexism is homophobia through gender-based discrimination. It lies at the core of gender inequality. Sexism can affect any gender but it's highly rated for girls and women. No matter how modern and fast the world is moving somewhat it's still the same as in the 90s for the girls and women. 

      As we can see one in three women are experiencing different forms of violence. It's hard to say that, this crisis is totally being neglected. The girls and women are going through many different types of violence. As, male dominance, rape, sexual assault, homophobia, gender-based violence, homicides, misogynist insults, sexual harassment, forced marriage, sex trafficking, and female genital mutilation. 

        Furthermore, if we view all of these statistically then we get to know, that 1 in 3 women worldwide has experienced physical and sexual violence in their lifetime. And globally 38 percent of murders of women are committed by their male partners. It is unbelievable to mention that 15 million girls are married under 18 where 28 girls per minute and 1 in 4 women experience physical and sexual violence during their pregnancy.

        Also, if we glance at rape where per year 150 million girls are raped. And even globally, around 137 women are killed by their patterns or family members every day. No doubt that today the countries which are so backward are just because of sexism and highly rated violence against girls and women. 

        Hence, a country can't move towards peace, and modernity and can't carry a good economy. A country develops more by stopping all the crises and according to the level of its peaceful environment.


By: Aasha Baloch

The writer is a student at the University of Turbat and Cambridge Academy Shahi Tump. 

Turbat Kech Balochistan