'Who will cry when you die?' is a great book written by Canadian Indian author Robin Sharma who is one of the top successful writers whose ideas and thoughts help many people around the world. This book was first published in 1999 whose millions of copies in 60 countries were translated into 70 languages. This is one of the best books which can bring changes in one's life as I became changed after reading this book. There is an extraordinary lesson in the book” Discover your calling' which is based on talent which means everyone in this world has a talent that needs to be discovered.

We all have a special talent that is just waiting to get engaged with something great in life. This book is completely based upon the life which guides us on how to live the life because if today the way we live, behave and act then tomorrow we will die then we will always be remembered by the people. Secondly, some of the lessons from this book are inspiring such as learning to be silent, connect with nature, see your troubles as blessings, laugh more, find three great friends, and so on. This book is a motivation for the readers which changes the lives of people. I suggest the students to read this book and get the most beautiful lessons in the life



By: Granaz A.Hakeem

The Bright Future Academy Absor
