The Heatwave is a period of unusually hot weather that lasts two or more days. According to meteorologists, it has five consecutive days during which the daily maximum temperature surpasses the average maximum temperature. The major impacts of heatwaves usually involve dehydration, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or heat stroke. Even sometimes people can lose their lives owing to heatstroke. And it also bangs huge noise for a short period.

            However, it has become a global is nowadays You need to preserve yourselves from this fatal disease by following these instructions: drink additional water, juice, and other profitable drinks to safeguard ourselves from dehydration, avoid direct sunlight as it might cause skin cancer, wear sunscreen before going outside and avoid going outside excessively.

            I hope you take care and follow the precautionary measures in order to save yourself and your family from the heatwave.



By: Tahir Ali

Gwarkop Kech