Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Ali who lived with his parents near the city of Hyderabad. His father was a laborer who worked hard to fulfill the needs of his family. Ali also worked with his father when he was 10 years old. His wish was to read and become famous but they were so poor that they couldn't afford to teach Ali. When Ali was 12 years old, his father falls I'll and died.

            After the death of his father, he became very sad and all the responsibilities of the house came on his shoulders. He worked hard as a laborer and fulfilled the needs of the house and also he continued his passion for writing. He started writing poems, poetry, and short stories for publication but he failed so he tried a lot and wrote strong stories about the happenings of his life. He worked hard too much and at the age of 16 he started working at an office where he got a good amount of money but he didn't leave his passion, he practiced writing stories.

            After being free from the office, he also started a writing class at home to promote education and bring awareness. When he got married to his cousin named Sonia so he persisted in his passion for writing due to which he wrote many books about hardship, romance, and life.

            He was also asked by the editors to write articles due to he became famous across his area and also he earned a lot of money and lived a peaceful life with his family.


The moral of this story is that “practice makes a person perfect."


By: Qamber Azeem, kech Balochistan

The writer belongs to HOPELA Academy Turbat