book is written by Naguman and is translated by Fazul Baloch. It's a Balochi
book translated into English. This is based on human aspirations, their
relationship with fellow human beings, and various elements of nature. Naguman
is famous for his Balochi stories.
I liked the main theme of this book which
is how to face problems and go forward. My favorite character is the father
of Saalaan. My favorite part of this book was the last scene. And it's the most fantastic book I have ever read about.
thing which was disliked by me was the beginning of the book. It was boring
because of the character which I didn't like. He did such acts due to which the
story became boring. As if all the time he was unconscious.
the wedding of the man, their child was born named Saalaan. Days fast and he
became five months old but there was no smile on his face. Father was worried
that a son of such a man has no smile on his face. Years faced away but he was
the same so his mom went to three families for his marriage. But they were not
willing to marry him due to his bad habit.
Apart from this, his parents shouted at him to
take out his bad habit. Fortunately, a girl who was his student wanted to marry
him. After their marriage, Saalaan's child was born: named Zeba but for love, they
called her Zebul. One day when they were watching T. V, Zeba became bored and
wanted to go outside, but her grandfather refused and Saalaan took her out: Zeba
asked her father that why does the moon look so beautiful?
all, Saalaan started laughing so grandfather refused that he is not Saalaan
but when he came out, he was dumbfounded. He asked what happened. Saalaan
Said, my child is asking me the same question which I asked you.
Finally, I would like to suggest everyone to read this book for it gives a great pleasure at the leisure moment as well provide information.
Abubakr Nazeer
writer is the student at Ruzhn Center
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