Gishkor is a village which is situated in the surrounding of district Kech with a huge population. The villagers have been facing various issues as no hospital, quality education, drinking clean water, mismanagement of roads, networks, and other problems. But the main problem of the residents is no doctors in the surrounding of Gishkor. If someone becomes ill, then they become compelled to move Turbat or Karachi for the treatment which takes several times and a poor person can't afford it as well.

           According to the people, sometimes patient dies on the way due to broken road as well. 

        “It is a tough time for a pregnant woman when she suffers from the delivery cases while moving to another city in the sense of critical condition," a sometimes local expressed. “Our political leaders just appear during the election season and when they won the match, nothing remains positively for the residents," a student remakes.

        It is said the world is creating new inventions, but the people of Balochistan are still deprived of their rights as not of a single doctor in Gishkor, as well as government, must to provide basic requirements for the residents of Gishkor to pass their lives positively.

By: Dostain Wahid

Absor Turbat Balochistan