Sinf e Ahan || An attractive Pakistani Drama serial

            I have watched countless Pakistani and Indian dramas but didn’t ever see such an attractive serial as Sinf e Ahan is.

            However, it has an appreciative female string; Rabia, Mahjabeen Misthaq, Arzo, Nethmi, Shaista, Sidra with Perivash. Apart from this, one of the Army's Officer Major Osama is playing an effective scene in it.

            Currently, its 16th episode is shown up which has strong affection, especially toward girls. As the main theme to highlight females’ talent with equality with everyone. In a different way, these girls are being discouraged or demotivated that it is impossible for them to join in PMA or do any hard task. Besides of these, they progress their intentions and face every hardship bravely.

            It guides sacrifices for the nation: serving themselves for the country and recognizing their real duties toward family and nation. In PMA where they have to take six months of training, is going to make them strong and give them strength to handle each situation. Thus, there can be found funny sometimes and every serious scene which entrains along preach positive messages for every individual of the society.

            Thus, such serials must be watched to gain awareness: also create patriotism wholeheartedly.

By: Faiza Nazeer Ahmed

The writer is a student at Zanth Academy Jusak Turbat

Kech Balochistan