With all commence breaking the ice with a sort of strong and understandable words that would build up one's characteristics, life, and personality. Before breaking the ice know something, think something, assume something and create something for motivating one that might be prosperous for one. As matter of fact, your uttered words might break others and break yourselves as well. Think understand know and speak. You are alone and lonely in your life no one knows you, and no one can easily understand you for this your speaking and unconditional words will reveal your secrets of life. Your speaking shows your ability, disability, and similes. On the other hand, think before you click. If people do not know you personally and if they cannot see you as you type, what you post online can be taken out of context if you are not careful in the way your message is delivered.

            It means you should be sure of your message could not hurt someone. Think before you speak, and don't say everything you think. Becoming more self-aware of the power of the ego makes it easier to manage it. And if it's unavoidable to say something negative, thinking before we speak helps us be more tactful and understand how to offset negativity with something positive. Sometimes it gives an optimistic lovingly and friendly relationship bond with others. Yours are everything that they are your created thoughts and affections. , words are the most powerful bullets you can use to hurt or destroy someone the worst part is they are just verbal.


By: Faris Khaliq

The writer is a student at I WELL Academy Turbat 

Kech Balochistan