It is said that life does not stand one way sometimes it leads to happiness and sometimes it turns into sadness. The world is full of various creatures. 

            Orphans are a part of society as well but are homeless. Due to disability, they could not pass their lives enjoyably and suffered from trouble. But they need our support and encouragement to lead them to a positive destination. We should be cooperative and share something with them in the shape of clothes, foods, and other ways of helping during the season of special days such as Eid. Society needs to think about its surroundings whether the needy persons are affordable or not.

            On the other side, the government needs to create such organizations to work for them and lead them on a good path where they cultivate their wishes and take fresh air. In other words, sometimes they are observed around the roads to beg and move here and there to get some money to push their lives. As a member of this world, I request to all humanity to spread their hands for the contribution of orphans as they pass on a positive life.



By: Sheraz Raiz HOPELA 

Turbat Kech